Get Educated
It’s amazing how much misunderstanding there is about environmental issues. Scores of environmental groups and industry lobbying groups are daily battling on a broad range of issues. It’s hard to sort out the truth from many conflicting claims. The only solution is to read as much independent material as possible. See below for a list of resources.
Get Involved
There are many places to lend a hand, most are very family oriented. It could be a beach clean-up day, sorting out items for local shelters, a movie and discussion night, talking to the farmers at the local markets, involve with youth group, when vacationing seek out farms and orchards and marine sanctuary to visit, stay in smaller inns and B&B, get to know the area, writing a letter to the editor, or to your local government representative, congressperson and governor, pick up trash, say thank you to someone.
All these will have an impact and a great way to network and find out more about your immediate community.
Look in the Mirror
Of course, the first step is to ask what changes we can make to our own lifestyle, to make an impact on the future generation. Many are painless and requires minimal effort of changes. Small things can make a difference.
Ask yourself whether your grandchildren we have access to open spaces that you have when you were a child?
Give up something that help heal the Earth
Reduce your Greenhouse Gas Carbon Impact
Join the Car Free Days Campaign:
Join others who are going car-free – for some it’s one day per month, for others it’s every week!
Calculate your climate emissions:
Air travel only:
Offset credits:
The Climate Trust (503) 238.1915
MyClimate (720) 273.2975
NativeEnergy (800) 924.6826
TerraPass (877) 879.8026

Wrap Rock ‘N’ Roll | Sunday Nov 23rd, 2008, 3-6pm | Kane’s Residence, Newport Beach
Wrap up 2008
Rock the world with changes for our children & our planet
Roll in 2009 programs
Fill on delicious hors d’ouevres & drinks
Rock to music DJ’d by MME (Matthew, Mel and Emily)
Don’t miss out on these special activities:
• The all-electric Tesla Roadster piloted by Linda Nicholes, president of Plug In America
• Learn how to make your own cleaning supplies – free of allergens and dyes
• See a demonstrations of our solar cooker & solar powered fan programs
• Learn more about Alternative Energy & Driving from experts Mike Kane & Bob Siebert of EE Solar
• Meet VANGO Network members who will share our collaborative effort in Vietnam
• Holiday gift opportunities including artwork, jewelry, green eco-ware, cooking class certificates, pastry desserts, farm-fresh products, plants and much more
Donations of $10 per person or $25 per family. RSVP by November 15th, 2008
Children are our valuable partners so please invite them.
Continuing Activity
Specialty Chef & Organic Green Event Caterer, Ongoing – I am a great chef specializing in small group parties. Have fun learning with your friends, team building with your business colleagues. Learn how to use rice paper to make fabulous Vietnamese Spring rolls; traditional and fusion California style. I have also organized various Green Events with zero-waste.
Why we choose NOT to have our own non-profit Tax ID number – to keep our living simple and concentrate primarily on direct programs, we choose to partner with several organizations. This reduce the amount of time we have to file for accounting for reporting.
Support us with your donation
On behalf of the recipients – we thank you for a gift that keep on giving. Don’t forget to reference the appropriate projects. Our1World is a program under the fiscal sponsorship of VANGO Network, which is a 501-c-3 tax-exempt non-profit organization.
Almost one year ago I shamelessly asked Cathy Lam if I could tag along on her trip to Vietnam in Feb/March of 2008. True to her generous form, she said “sure.” Well, she didn’t know what she was getting into…but I did. I had no doubt that I would be well taken care of and would learn more than I could travelling as a regular tourist.
I was more right than I could have imagined. After more than 15 years of not seeing each other, we met at the L.A. airport (I’m from Toronto, Canada) and was instantly handed a suitcase that I was to get through baggage. 11 suitcases (not including carry-ons), primarily full of things for the children of Vietnam. Impressive.
So…I became part of the family. Throughout the trip, I observed and observed and observed. That is, when Cathy wasn’t feeding us from every stand she deemed safe.
I learned all about the work of the VA NGO Network and visited a couple of orphanages. The absolute highlight of my trip was the day we spent at Sweet Water School and Orphanage, installing a solar fan, making countless peanut butter sandwiches and playing with the children. Aside from the clean and pretty environment and the well fed and clothed children, there was the sense of love and shy affection that permeated everyone there, from the nuns to all the children. This can only be a testament to the success that your organization has achieved. I was deeply moved.
Then I ‘turned Vietnamese’ for the evening of the Network reception, where I met a great number of people doing capacity training and community outreach…people who came in from afar and who live in communities throughout the country. The energy and commitment of everyone there was contagious.
When there are organizations such as yours, it renews one’s hope that perhaps there are enough good people in the world to make a difference.
Thank you!
Fela Grunwald, October 10, 2008