2017-2020 Results
2010-2020 at a glance
Since 2010, the number of students trained to be educators has increased by 744.44%. The number of students qualified as Peer Health Educators has increased by 900%. And the number of schools and shelters receiving HIPE curriculum has increased by 800%.

Through the years, HIPE curriculum has changed to meet the needs of the communities served. Reproductive health topics were introduced in 2013 to urgently address the lack of a comprehensive education program and is now a major component of HIPE’s health session curriculum.
Since 2010, the number of health sessions organized annually has increased by 259.74%. The number of student-participants in HIPE health sessions and activities has increased by 843.22%. And the number of student-participants in the reproductive health modules since its introduction in 2013 has increased by 613.25%.

Capacity Building through Health Educator Training, 2017-2019
Because HIPE exceeded the 2010-2016 targets, we focused on expanding the program during the 2017-2020 period in order to reach a wider audience, especially in target outreach areas in the region. HIPE met or exceeded all targets for youth recruitment, training, and PHE qualification.
Since HIPE began in 2010, we have seen a dramatic increase in the development of and investment into school health programs, both at the individual school level as well as province wide. As a result, 2017 and 2018 saw decreases in number of schools and shelters due to a variety of factors. Such as: At least 1 school withdrew from the program because after participating in HIPE, they developed their own school health program. Other schools withdrew because they felt satisfied with the updated provincial health program or were unable to maintain the level of coordination required to participate in HIPE. In response, in 2019 HIPE focused on target schools and shelters in rural areas that do not benefit from other health programs, exceeding the number of target schools/shelters that year.

Adolescent Reproductive Health Education, School vs. Community Outreach
HIPE consistently exceeds its targets for adolescent reproductive health education both in school and community settings, reaching over 20,000 participants in 2019 alone.

Percentage Knowledge Change By Topic, 2016-2019
When examining pre- vs post-test percent change from 2016 through 2019, the average of knowledge change has shown a gradually increasing trend from 9.2% in 2016, 13.2% in 2017, 16.2% in 2018 and 17.8% in 2019. In 6 out of 9 adolescent sexual and reproductive health (ASRH) topics, we can clearly see a trend of increasing changing in knowledge, indicating that HIPE Peer Health Educators are able to sufficiently transfer ASRH knowledge to students and youth.

A closer look at 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019

Annual Community Health Fair
The community health fair allows HIPE to reach youth and families who do not attend HIPE-participatory schools or who may not attend school at all and to reach the family, friends, and neighbors of HIPE youth.
We moved our community health fair in 2019 to a new location, thôn Lại Tân xã Phú Mậu. This rural village has one of the highest resettlement rates of Vạn Đò population with one of the highest poverty, unemployment, child labor, and illiteracy rates in the region.

For more information about HIPE activities, please feel free to reach out to Thien-Nhien Luong, Executive Director of Design Capital Asia, at thien-nhien@designcapitalasia.org.