Happy Holidays From All Of Us

As we prepare for our holiday break, we are reflecting back on how much we have done together in 2021.

Despite the on-going COVID and natural disasters that challenge our youth empowerment and community development work, we have directly distributed 7,000 COVID care packages to struggling families and PPEs to front line workers.  We also have partnered with countless COVID relief efforts in Vietnam and the USA to address the needs of COVID patients, health care workers, and struggling families.  VA-NGO’s own The Cozy Kitchen volunteers continued their humanitarian assistance with food & essential supplies deliveries to those in needs throughout Saigon and surrounding areas whenever and wherever they can.

In Vietnam, our incredible team of staff, young interns, and volunteers led in-person and virtual training and health education sessions reaching 8,000 youths, parents, and community members in COVID Education; Gender Education; Alcohol Abuse, Child Sexual Abuse and Human Trafficking Prevention, and Adolescent Sexual Reproductive Health Education.   Additionally, they also organized a community health fair engaging 825 of youths and community people.  

On the economic justice front, we have dispersed a total of $15,000 Livelihood Fund to 20 families in Binh Tien and Huong Tho communes that were severely impacted by last year’s typhoon and this year COVID.  We also delivered bikes and provided scholarships to disadvantaged students.    Last but not least, in the USA, we have partnered with nonprofits to provide meals to the homeless, school supplies to students, and support Afghan refugee resettlement efforts with Viets4Afghans.  

None of this work would have been possible without you!  It takes your support and your donation to make our work impactful and meaningful.  We thank you, and wish you all a safe, joyous, and healthy holiday season and an inspired beginning of 2022!

From all of us at VA NGO Network