PedFACTS-Vietnam Instructor Development Course Enroll your staff and volunteers to attend the PedFACTS-Vietnam Instructor Development Course; and/or Enroll your caregivers and teachers to attend the PedFACTS-Vietnam First Aid Training. PedFACTS-Vietnam Instructor Development Course is an adaptation to Vietnamese of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Pediatric First Aid for Caregivers […]
Yearly Archives: 2010
Join our efforts to help save lives of young children: Be a Founder, Partner or Team of this unique Initiative The Health Education Initiative (HEI) is a new program from the VANGO Network to complement the Network on-going Capacity Building Workshops (CBW). The focus of the Initiative is on health […]
Dear Members and Friends, At our regional meeting in Houston earlier this year, VA-NGO Board heard loud and clear from members about the need for enhancing health education to benefit children, and for collaboration towards gathering a library of health materials to be shared. Our Capacity Building Workshop team has […]
You are cordially invited to attend the VA NGO Network Fall Capacity Building Workshop Saturday, September 25, 2010 Do Gooders with Spreadsheets: Changing Lives through Social Entrepreneurship Presented by Jerry Hildebrand from the Global Center for Social Entrepreneurship, Univ. of Pacific Also join us to share your highlight programs at […]
July 12-13, HCMC VA NGO Network Summer Capcity Building Workshop (CBW) on July 12 – 13, 2010 titled “Seeds of Change: In the Interest of the Child” was held at the Trường Nghiệp vụ Nhà hàng Thành phố in Bình Thạnh District.
Xin bấm vào đây để xem phần tiếng Việt Summer 2010 VANGO Network Capacity Building Workshop Seeds of change: In the interest of the child Hạt giống mới: Vì quyền lợi của trẻ em Monday-Tuesday, 12-13 July 2010 * 8:00am-5:00pm Trường Hướng Nghiệp 153 Xô Viết Nghệ Tĩnh Street, Ward […]
April 2-3 Huế April 5-6 HCMC The series of CBWs are titled Seeds of Change: For the Interest of the Child. The Spring CBWs was a collaborative effort between VANGO Network, Trung Tâm Giáo Dục Nhân Đạo Huế and Trung Tâm Nuôi Dưỡng Bảo Trợ Trẻ Em Gò Vấp.
Dear members & friends, Blum…Blum…Blum…The Beats of OneHeart. This is my pleasure to welcome you to our 2nd OneHeart newsletter. Our OneHeart will serve as the artery that links member organizations together into a larger body where everyone can share the best practices, tips in pursuing our common goal as […]
From the Desk of the Board Chair Dear Members and Friends, As we move forward to the new year 2010, 2009 had shown us that we can support each other and our communities by remembering our core mission: to provide information, resources, and enlightenment to our members at large. There […]
VANGO Network cordially invites you to the Regional Meeting & Capacity Building Workshop and Reception SATURDAY JANUARY 16, 2010 HOUSTON, TX I. REGIONAL MEETING & CAPACITY BUILDING WORKSHOP 8:30AM- 5:30PM Stafford Primary School – 1625 Staffordshire Road, Stafford, Tx 77477 MEETING TOPICS: Session 1 – Social Intelligence and the Principles […]